Premise: Second Meeting With Tutor

 Today I met again with my tutor in order to discuss the direction of the project. I explained the research I had done as well as where I want to take project moving forward.

My main focus is the display of traditional against technology. This idea will be explored through the culture of Japan, using the cyberpunk genre as an exaggerated version. I want to show the philosophical side of technology, as displayed by the film Ghost In The Shell. 

Simon suggested that in order to show this concept in the animation, within the introduction I could do a time laps of the city being construct against the mountain. As this is a stylised animation this can be exaggerated, having shots within the city as if engulfing the land. This can be done with deformer in Maya. 

Below is this concept, sketched out by Simon

I need to do additional research on Japan in order to identify why it is structured in the way it is. Simon suggested that I look at Japan on Google maps at night in order to see the  full contrast between the city and landscape. 

Moving forward I need to storyboard out the fight in order to give structure to the animation as the characters movement is my main focus. I can then worry about designing the characters once I get a firmer grasp of the events which transpire. Simon said not to worry about the story elements too much as I am trying to convey the concept of traditional vs technology. 

I also need to do some creative writing in order to form a greater understanding of the world. I can then use this information to inform my concept art. 


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