Today I watched the 1995 Japanese animation, Ghost In The Shell. The film is set in a 2029 Japan and follows the character Motoko Kusanagi an augmented-cybernetic human who works for the anti-cybercrime department, known as section 9. The anti crime unit is investigating a case which involves a mysterious entity known as the Puppet Master and they try to uncover their motive and person/s behind it. The film opens with the audience hearing muffled bits of information before the camera pans down and presents the character. As the camera works its way closer to the character, the muffled voices become more clear. By doing this it establishes the most important part of the film, the character, before presenting information which hints at the purpose of this characters place in the world. The information is confusing to the audience as they are yet to find out what is going on in the world, much like the character herself, who is new to the case and is trying to unwind its myster...
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