What If Metropolis? Matte Paintings And Hero Props

 In a previous post I identified what I want to improve on as well as things I want to look at in further detail. 

Firstly I want to look at the matte painting. Below I circled where I feel the matte painting should go.

Matte paintings are used in films in situations where it would be either impossible, expensive, time consuming or hard to film a scene. The painting can either be hand drawn or photo bashed, to realise a backdrop to a particular scene. They are then integrated into the final cut to give off the illusion that the actor is really there. This was done a lot in the past due to limited technology as well as budget restrictions, but is also used a lot today. This is due to it being significantly cheaper and less time consuming compared to producing everything digitally. There are no moving parts on a matte painting and they are usually used far away, with a hero prop in the way to disguise the fact that its a drawing. A hero prop is something that has been built which is actually there which takes centre stage in the shot. The actors will be able to interact with the hero prop, giving off the illusion that everything else in the scene is real. They are made well enough to be used in close up shots, unlike matte paintings. I have to ensure that my matte painting is seamless in the final render. One way of doing this would to ensure that the textures used on the 3D render are of the same art style seen in the matte painting. This would mean hand drawing all the textures. 

Originally not knowing whether to make just the mountains in the image above the matte painting or the whole circled sections, I have decided to make the whole section a matte painting. This will not only save time but I also feel that the divide between the wall and the dome building is a perfect way of integrating the painting. 

The next thing to do is to identify my hero prop. As previously stated, the hero prop has to be good enough to be used in close up shots. For my drawing this refers to anything directly in front of the wall, so my hero props will be the three buildings and the stalls. 


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