What If Metropolis? UV Mapping The Second Building

 I continued unwrapping the UV for my building. After completing the first models UV's this one wasnt that bad. I tried to group together UV's which would require the same texture and order them in a clean way. 

I continued deleting faces which where unnecessary, mainly to make my life easier when it came to texturing. The model really isn’t seen from the left side, meaning most of that side will not be needed for the texturing process. This freed up space in the UV's editor and will make the texturing progress less confusing. Theirs no need to waste time on something which wont be seen by the viewer. I order the UV's so that they are on the right side (left side of the model is on the left side) this will help with the texturing process as I wont have to waste time trying to locate which side I'm working on.


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