From Script To Screen: Story Scenarios

 With the information provided, Briefcase, Magician, hospital, I need to come up with a scenario which catches the attention of the audience and introduces a problem. The examples in the slideshow from todays lecture, provided examples of the type of conflicts which could occur, along with examples which use them. I went through each possible conflict and tried to apply it to my three objects.

Character VS Character

To use this example I will need to provide additional characters to the narrative such as a magicians assistant or a doctor who could be working at the hospital. They will need their own motive to go against the magicians goals in order to create the conflict. Maybe the magician could have an assistant who he taught all his tricks to. The assistant feels they are being overshadowed by their teacher and eventually betrays them as a way to gain their attention and respect. 

An idea like this might be a bit ambitious for only two minuets, however the additional information could be apart of the two characters backgrounds. The student of the magician could have already betrayed the magician before the story, with there being hints throughout the story that the magician once had someone he taught. By the end of the story the villain could be revealed to be the assistant, who the viewer/reader has learnt about throughout their time observing the magician. This adds more depth to the magicians character, maybe he has become cold toward others after being betrayed. Maybe he is full of guilt and is trying to seek redemption. 

Character VS Society

This theme can be seen in a lot of media as a way of displaying our own society, whether it be in a positive or negative light. I need to create a story rich world which justifies this theme and then link it to the hospital setting. Maybe the world has gone to war which results in many casualties in the hospital. It could be the magicians job to cheer up the children in the ward and provide hope that everything will be okay. 

A good example of magicians VS society could the be Harry Potter. There are two completely different societies living alongside each other. When one of these worlds is threatened there is disaster for both sides. I could explore a similar sort of society in my story. 

Character VS Nature/Environment

This one seems the least likely to fit my character on the surface, however with the hospital as my environment I could link the story to a disaster. Maybe the magician's magic becomes out of control which results it a great disaster. The story could be from the perspective of the hospital staff and show the magicians regret. 

This would give me character a powerful backstory. Maybe no one knows he caused the global disaster and is now working in hospitals a way of repenting for his sins. He could be scarred to use his magic in case he looses control again. He could eventually become inspired by the people he helps and learn to fix his mistakes. 

Character VS Supernatural

My magician could have real magic instead of it just being illusions, making the story supernatural. The only other thing to identify is whether they choose to use their powers for good or evil and if it is only them who possesses it. How will this then link to the hospital?

Maybe the story could present its self in a way which seems supernatural however the entire plot is taking place in a patients head at a mental hospital. The briefcase could represent their closed mind and the doctors are trying to find key to open it. 

Character VS Technology

This could follow a character who will stop at nothing to gain power. They alter their body to make 'magic' happen. This could result in them ending up in hospital, either through injury or because of their mental health. Or maybe they work at the hospital and that's where they carry out all their body altering experiments. 

I could look into the Marvel character Mysterio. Mysterio is a villain who uses his knowledge of special effects to carry out his crimes. 


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