Fantastic Voyage: Research The Criteria For KS1 Level Work

 Now that I have found the ages I want to target for my animation, ages 5-7 (KS1), I now wanted to get a better understanding of the requirements to produce work at this level. I went on the official government website and took notes about the key details (published September 2013).

The student must:

Develop awareness of the past, common words and phrases

Know where people and events fit in a chronological framework

Identify similarities and differences between the past and present 

Use a wide range of historical vocabulary

Ask/answer questions

Understand a few ways in which we uncover the past

The goal is to introduce the topic to be further developed up at higher levels later on (KS2/KS3)

Taught about:

Major changes within living memory

Significant national/global events beyond living memory, example: Great Fire Of London 

Lives of significant individuals

Significant historical events 

I can now use this information to ensure my animation meets the standard of KS1 work. I now want to investigate how educators make learning interesting for this age range. 


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