Fantastic Voyage: Continuing The 3D

 Today I made the model for the HMS Beagle. The version I will be making does not have to be super detailed, however I still want to include certain details, such as the Beagles paintwork, which allow the students to identify what the boat looked like.

At first I struggled to think of how to make the main body of the boat, even with the orthographs I had drawn. I decided to look at some low poly boat models on the internet in order to get inspiration (below).

I decided to start with a cube at the centre of the boat and extrude out the edges until I got a shape I liked. After a few attempts this worked. 

To make the sails I extruded out the edges of another cube and then used the lattice deformer to give it its shape. I then duplicated the sale many times and matched the placement with the orthograph.

After making the boat, I used the cut tool to form the patterns of the Beagle. I then Assigned the faces of the boat the appropriate colours.

I really like how this model turned out and feel it manages to capture the Beagles iconic look in a simplistic way. I am happy I managed to break down making the model into steps, realizing I could make it with simple shapes such as cubes. 


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