When Not To Go Outside Final Story Idea

 So far as a team we have been able to identify the situations we want our character to go through for the sentence "When Not To Go Outside". I began in a previous blog, coming up with different situations which could happen in each skit in order to flesh out our ideas more. I've been doing a lot of research about the character and was trying to create one which is interesting. This seems to be easier when the character has a defining personality and purpose. as you can then show this in their design. I thought maybe the character could have a bigger role than just being stupid and so I thought of character who is a scientist who makes useless inventions. They are trying their best to push technology further, however with every invention they make, their seems to be a glaring flaw in its design/purpose. I like this idea as we can decorate his house with silly and strange inventions and label them for the audience to read. We could also design the characters house with his personality in mind and so it stands out compared to the other houses in the neighbourhood.

I then began thinking of how we could implement this character into the ideas we have thought about so far. Below I have written an outline for my idea, which ties all the skits together while still keeping them as individual scenarios. It gets a bit strange when it comes to the third skit as the character develops the useless power that whatever door he opens leads to a different world. We don't have to stick with this concept however I liked how visually interesting it is. I like this idea as we can make our animation more interesting which fits the characters strange lifestyle (its believable because of who he is, audience will be able to believe that this is just another day for our character) and because of how visual it, it does not need much explanation on the audience's part as to how it works. It also ties into the skit beforehand and can be explained from the first skit, when the character gets zapped by one of his inventions. 

Clumsy Scientist. Cannot speak and so is very visually animated. Although smart enough to make new inventions, acts very stupid at times and has a weird outlook on the world. 


The skits below include the ideas When Not To Go Outside: When their is no gravity, when the world hasn't loaded combined with copywrite, when there is bread and when there are giants

Making invention (has to be something round so that it bounces, maybe worlds bounciest ball) and accidentally drops it. The ball then dramatically bounces around the house, setting off things in the environment. One of the things the ball hits is a ray gun labelled size changer, which shoots a beam out the window. A random pedestrian can then be seen changing in size (this sets up the giant for the sketch to come). The scientist can also be seen getting zapped by one of his inventions, this will be the reason for him opening doors to other worlds in next skit. Eventually the ball makes its way outside the house and lands on the extra bouncy trampoline (another useless invention because that is all the character is good at making). The ball is then shot straight into the sky which leaves the scientist angrily screaming upwards. The ball makes its way to heaven which hits God, causing him to trip over the wire for gravity. This sends all of the objects, including the scientist into the sky. God quickly gets up and plugs the wire back into the wall. The final shot shows the character falling back down. They could look into the camera when they notice that gravity has returned and pull out a sign which reads "AAAAA". 


Scientist wakes up in bed (there could be a hole in the ceiling which connects to the previous sketch). Character runs to go outside to check what its like but the world hasn't loaded (it could look low poly). Character backs up slowly into house in confusion. They then close and open the door. This time the world has changed art style. This could happen several times, with the character slamming the door more violently. One of the worlds could be his neighbourhood as a drawing. He sees a pencil with an eraser begin erasing the house in front of him. This causes him to panic and quickly slam door. Finally he opens the door which contains characters and items owned by other properties (which Funny Bones does not own the rights to). The skit then ends with the animation being shut down due to copywrite infringement. 


Character can be seen flicking through tv channels with sad expression on his face. He sees advert for food and his stomach rumbles. This is because whenever he opens doors it opens a portal to another world (reason for previous skit). He is unable to open his fridge to find food and so is starving. Goes into kitchen and shows this happening by opening and closing fridge (random worlds popup). Magnet from fridge drops off when he is slamming the door. Character leans down to retrieve magnet from under the fridge, where he sees a mouldy piece of bread. He then violently begins making toast as his hunger takes over (this will look very dramatic) While this is happening his front door is ringing but the character ignores and takes a bite. The door then slowly opens. This gets the characters attention as he has been unable to open the door himself and wants to see the outside world. He is interested to see who opened door however no one is there. He can see a large van in the distance with writing on the roof. Character gets out set of binoculars to read writing which states "do not go outside when there is bread". The van is then blocked through the view of the binoculars by and angry piece of bread (which appears large as he is zoomed in) The character then begins to panic and falls over trying to get into house. You then see a shadow as if he is about to be crushed by the bread. The camera then zooms out and reveals that the bread is only tiny and is unable to crush the character. After this realization from the character, he begins to laugh before being crushed by the momma bread (which is actually large). Final shot shows the half eaten bread standing next to other tiny piece of bread. 


Character wakes up in hallway facing door. They are relieved to be alive still. They look up and see that the front door has been left open. In excitement they run to the door to escape their house. When they reach the door they are cautious and lookout for the bread (their could be breadcrumbs on the floor which relate to the pervious sketch). After seeing that the coast is clear, the character goes to take a step outside and is immediately crushed by giant from first sketch. 


Throughout the animation their can be different hints to explain what the subject is for the skit. For example the van in the bread skit reads "when not to go outside...when there is bread!". I also want to include details such as the houses being nailed down in sketches after the gravity incident. This gives the world more life and shows that the people populating the area are also experiencing the same things. 

It may be hard to fit all of this in within our 2 minutes timeframe, however the animation will be very visual and fast paced so the large paragraph to describe each skit will be played through quite quickly. Their can also be compromises in each skit to fit the timeframe. 

The idea is a bit out there and will require us to work hard in order to finish. I don't know if I've overthought this idea a bit much, but I like the general idea of it. I think once we come up with a story everyone likes, we can then focus more on the comedy as we are creating more of a visual comedy. I think the fact that my idea is so strange makes it more interesting and I tried to include all of our favourite ideas that we discussed. Even if we don't end up deciding on this idea, I still think its important to design a character who's personality can be see throughout the animation. This is because we have been given limited time and so need to make the character believable enough in order for the audience to understand the comedy. 


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