Character Bible: Elliot Goh

 Main Characters

Man from future 

Names for character: Elliot Goh (E.GO)     

Man is vain and has a lot of money. For this reason, I feel like he would spend a large amount of his money on himself. This could be by purchasing expensive accessories and clothing as well as spending it on his physical appearance (tattoos, Botox and hair transplant). His deepest desire is to be looked upon as a god, which is how he views the superhero who is protecting his city. He is very envious of the hero as he knows no matter how much money he has he will never be able to compete with the supernatural. His jealousy has corrupted his thoughts and he begins obsessing over the origin of the hero. He throws all of his money into researching superheroes and time travel and dedicates his life researching about every single sighting of the hero.

 I want him to look as physically muscular as humanly possible, in order to get across the idea that this is a man who has everything and will try everything in order to achieve his goal, however he still is not able to reach the same potential. 

This character will need two different looks. A casual look, where they will be posing as a civilian and a superhero look. I imagine the casual look for my character will be an expensive suit. His superhero outfit will be based upon the current hero as it is his intention to take over from him. There will need to be a subtle difference between the two, maybe his outfit is pristine as it has never been warn.  

After describing Elliot's personality, I then began sketching out some ideas.

I really wanted to capture his vainness through his presentation. I put additional emphasis upon his lips and cheekbones, in order to show off the work he has done to his face in order to reach what he deems as the "perfect face", which he has spent large amount of money to perfect. I struggled to draw the character in different perspectives, however as I did not yet have and established art style, this did not matter as much. 

Now that I had a general idea of what sort of man Elliot is, I now honed this vision into creating the final design idea. 

I could then use this idea to form more of the character. I tried to think what sort of pose would he be in and what sort of expression he would he have on his face, in order to capture the characters personality more. 

I am really happy with how the character turned out and feel as if it captures the description I came up with perfectly. I used the images below as a reference as although the character is exaggerated, I wanted to keep him within the real of what is real. That way he would be a believable character. 


  1. awesome design, some shadows would go under the nose and eyes and mouth and under the eyebrows and a bicep line for the left arm should be included to show the foreshortening, also on the bright shirt underneath unless the reference is different


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