Creating The Animation: Scene 1

  Today I began animating the first scene, where Moom is hitting the machine. I found that it took me a long time to complete, what seemed to be, a simple scene. The biggest problem I ran into was getting the timing right for each of Moom's actions. When I would complete a part of the animation and play it back, it would either look to slow or too fast. I also found that it did not look natural. 

I decided to play around with the keyframes, seeing how the animation was effected if I changed the amount of frames to do an action.  This helped me going forward to time other actions in the scene. I also struggled at first to parent the hammer to Mooms hand, as it would result in the hammer teleporting to the grid. I thought this was due to not freezing the transformations of the hammer before parenting, however this did not change anything. I eventually realized that I should be parenting the hammer to the finger control, rather than the hand control. I was then able to complete the rest of the scene. 


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