When Not To Go Outside Animatic

 After completing the storyboard, Marta sent me the files so that I could turn it into an animatic. As I was the editor for the team it was my responsibility to make the animatic.  After looking through each frame, I felt as if the story wasn't presented in a very clear way. This was important as we want the audience to be able to understand what is going on. For this reason I added in some extra frames just so it made a bit more sense. I feel as if the animatic would have benefitted for a few extra frames, just to allow time for Moom's actions to be laid out more clearly. However we no longer had enough time to make this improvement as we needed to present our work to Simon. I then imported the images into Premiere Pro. I adjusted each frames time, making sure there were pauses between the skits to ensure the audience can process what's going on and to help divide them up. Below is the animatic with no audio

Animatic With No Audio

I tried my best to make the story seem as presentable as possible with what I had. I then imported it into Adobe Audition, where I added the appropriate sound effect to each action. I found that certain parts needed audio to last longer than I had left in the original. I had to go back later on and make certain frames last longer, for example the crash after the character falls from the first skit. 

Below is the final animatic. We can now use this as a guide for our pre-vis and final animation. 

Animatic With Audio

Below is a link to the YouTube version if the video above does not work. If their are still problems I have uploaded all videos to the "animation process" folder on the group Basecamp. 



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