Todays life drawing lesson started with a 40 minute demonstration on how to draw faces. This was useful and I tried to apply the ideas learnt to the following drawings.
Reflective Statement For Major Project Overall I am really pleased with the outcome of the animation. This is mainly due to me feeling that I was able to include everything I set out to do, all the way from the beginning of Premise. It has been a very long process, with different routes taken in order to bring me to the final product. At times I felt I had set myself a far too large goal to achieve and was unsure that I was able to complete the project within the timeframe. However I kept going and I am proud to say I completed everything to the best of my ability. I believe the key to succeeding in the completion of this project was good time management. Had I not completed certain section in time for the next then I would have run out of time nearer the end of the project. At the end of the Minor project, I had completed the redesign of my animation story and characters and applied my ideas to create a Pre-viz which depicted the events of the second iteration of the anima...
Today I watched the 1995 Japanese animation, Ghost In The Shell. The film is set in a 2029 Japan and follows the character Motoko Kusanagi an augmented-cybernetic human who works for the anti-cybercrime department, known as section 9. The anti crime unit is investigating a case which involves a mysterious entity known as the Puppet Master and they try to uncover their motive and person/s behind it. The film opens with the audience hearing muffled bits of information before the camera pans down and presents the character. As the camera works its way closer to the character, the muffled voices become more clear. By doing this it establishes the most important part of the film, the character, before presenting information which hints at the purpose of this characters place in the world. The information is confusing to the audience as they are yet to find out what is going on in the world, much like the character herself, who is new to the case and is trying to unwind its myster...
Main Characters Man from future Names for character: Elliot Goh (E.GO) Man is vain and has a lot of money. For this reason, I feel like he would spend a large amount of his money on himself. This could be by purchasing expensive accessories and clothing as well as spending it on his physical appearance (tattoos, Botox and hair transplant). His deepest desire is to be looked upon as a god, which is how he views the superhero who is protecting his city. He is very envious of the hero as he knows no matter how much money he has he will never be able to compete with the supernatural. His jealousy has corrupted his thoughts and he begins obsessing over the origin of the hero. He throws all of his money into researching superheroes and time travel and dedicates his life researching about every single sighting of the hero. I want him to look as physically muscular as humanly possible, in order to get across the idea that this is a man who has everything a...
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