Toolkit 2: Jetpack Jones - Rigging The Feet And Legs

Started by cleaning up the scene and importing the nurbes symbols to use for each action.


Created the ik handle for the left leg and then connected the hip to the shin. After that I moved the shin IK down and turned stickiness on so that the leg would bend appropriately.

I then made locators and marked out roughly where the boot was at the Front, back and sides.

I then went through and made each joint a group which allows the appropriate movement.

I then completed the same process for the other foot.

I then made the foot control from the circle nurbs shape. Once this was done I added in the additional channels which was created for the foot.

I then had to create additional animation for the channels outlined as SDK. This mean that when scrubbing over the channel box the object would move in the appropriate way. This was done using the set driven key editor. I firstly did this for the left leg and then had to go back and do it for the right.


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