Minor Project: Investigating Samurai Environment + Colour Pallet
The events of the animation will take place high up in the mountains, on the trail which leads to the Japanese castle. In order to begin understanding how to visually represent the surrounding mountains, I began doing research on 3D models of mountains. That is when I found the images below from the game Overwatch.
I really like the stylized look of the mountains which surround the player on the map named Nepal. I wanted to look further into how this was achieved so that I could recreate the placement of the mountains in my environment. It is done in a way where they completely surround you in the environment, while also not looking overly complicated to model and texture. This is important as my main focus is character and animation, not environment, however I still want my environment to look good.
Below are the screenshots I took from in-game, using the floating camera in spectate mode. This allowed me to get a better look of how the mountains are arranged. I could see that the closer mountains where low poly models and as you get closer to the top, they turn into hand painted matte paintings.
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