Minor Project: Setting Up The Scenes For The Pre-viz

 For the pre-viz environment I already had a fair amount of assets from last year. However this time instead of making all of the models fit together as one large map, I instead want to recreate the animatic shot for shot. 

When testing for how I can create my environment, I thought of using heightmaps. I found one online which I ended up using for the pre-viz. 

Link To Website Where Image Was Found: UE4 Heightmap Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Landscape Heightmaps for UE4

In terms of  environmental shots, the environment is only actually seen in all of the images below. This meant I could just recreate the shots seen below for the pre-viz.

I also had the map I had made in order to help visualize the placement of objects in the environment. 

The 1st shot required a tree which has the character sitting in it. I managed to make the tree by taking a cylinder and extruding it along an EP curve I had drawn. I then had to repeat this process every time I wanted to add a branch. I did 3 versions of the tree but decided I liked the middle one the most. 

I then continued to make each scene up based on how they looked through the camera, trying to match the compositions. 

I am now ready to start on the pre-viz


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