Minor Project: Texturing Cyberpunk Head

 Today I completed the test texturing for my Cyberpunk character in order to show the direction I want to take my project in leading into Major. 

I knew from my texture map for the Cyberpunk character, that I mainly wanted to experiment with its textures once it was actually in the software. This meant I could add wear and tear to the metal in different ways to get different results of the character. Below is a compilation of some of the ideas I was able to explore in the substance. I really like how the character's eye is glowing and you can see parts of the glowing effect through the mouth and ears. I feel it adds an extra level of deadliness and emphases it is a machine  

Below I have uploaded the images for a better look at them. I started by texturing the character with clean materials in order to see what it looked like rendered. I then slowly added more and more wear to the character to see what effects it had on his look. I think it might be a cool idea to slowly add more wear to the character throughout the fight scene. This way you can see the effects the fight is having on the character. I want to explore this idea further in the texturing process in Major. 


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