Major Project: Animation Progress

Today I decided to bring together all of the shots I had animated so far for the animation in order to see how everything looked together. 

I wanted to bring all of the clips together as I began feeling confused as to how to display certain shots as I was loosing track of where exactly I was in the animation. This was due to me picking out random scenes to animate at a time rather than go in order. In order to fix this I firstly took each Maya scene I had created ordered them. I then cleaned up each scene by deleting unneeded geometry as well as adding in the new models to make each scene consistent. I then went through and began the second pass of each scene. I did this by adding small tweaks here and there, mainly animating additional parts of the characters rig to create extra movement for a smoother look. Although I did not do this for all scene, the scene in which I did do this for look as lot better. I hope to continuously do this until the shots look the best they can within the timeframe I have. 

I have found from actually animating each shot from my animatic and pre-viz references that I do not simply want to depict the exact movements each character takes but instead add personality. My main focus shifted from simply recreating the shots and instead trying to create interesting moments in the animation. By doing so the animation is now a lot faster paced which I think is greatly needed for the fight scene. I also changed the choreography at times to keep up with the high energy and to create something which is visually interesting to look at. I was also able to make some the more dodgy animation usable through editing in Premiere Pro. This helped to save time on reanimating shots.

I also rendered some of the shots I have completed in order to see what the characters look like. I am really pleased with the results and cant wait to see both characters with their textures. Although I may not be using the exact references from my pre-viz, I have continued to consider composition when creating the shots in 3D as seen by the shots below. 


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