Toolkit 1: Life Drawing And Character Design (ALL LINKS)

 Life Drawing Lessons 

Life Drawing Lesson 1

Life Drawing Lesson 2

Life Drawing Lesson 3

Life Drawing Lesson 4

Character Design Lessons

Character Design, Heroes', Villain's and Sidekick's

Character Design, Props And Locations

Character Design, Animal Anatomy

Reflective Statement

After completing each life drawing lesson I feel that my drawing skills have greatly increased. I have learnt to be more observant of my surroundings when drawing and not worry as much if the drawing is not going the way I want it to. There is always an opportunity to fix the problem if you continue to draw what you are observing. A line might not be drawn the way you want it to, however you can use this information in order to draw the line correctly the second or third time. It was an interesting experience drawing a live model as its something you rarely get to do. I found it useful for the lessons as we could actively engage with the model and see them in different poses and lights. This gave me more opportunities to learn drawing and meant that Roy could give us live demonstrations to insure we knew how to do certain things. The short exercises were especially useful for honing specific skills which I could then use when given an extended amount of time to draw a pose. 

The character design lessons have helped me to understand the fundamentals of what makes a good character designer. In a lesson we would learn of a technique, be given extensive examples and then have the opportunity to apply what was learnt in a drawing of your own. I really like this teaching style as I feel you get experience with the information learnt, making it easier to remember as you have a memory of you doing it yourself. I also really like how critical Justin was of your work in his lessons. It wasn't ever negative but instead experienced knowledge being taught in order to improve the drawing done. There was always something which I didn't consider about my drawing and by adding it improved it tremendously. I could then use this knowledge to design the characters in the projects on the course.


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