Toolkit 2 Final Submission: Links To All Work + Reflection
Toolkit 2 Reflection Jetpack Jones was an interesting experience. One of the main reasons I joined the course was to learn how to create a character and then have the ability to fully model, rig and eventually animate them. Jetpack Jones gave me the ability to learn and apply these skills, and I felt this more engaging than the previous toolkit. I enjoyed modelling the characters head the most as it was the most rewarding as I had taken a drawing and made it into 3D. Although not perfect I feel my model still resembles that of the character. I appreciated the in-depth process of painting skin weights, something I was unsure about and struggled with in my previous projects. The videos did a good job of simplifying and explaining the process. However at the same time I felt that the whole process could have been made more interesting rather than sitting alone at a computer watching videos. I understand that their isn't much more you can do apart from learn this way but by making t...