Toolkit 1: All Animation Lessons With Nat (ALL LINKS)

 Lesson 1, Face Morph -  Getting Used To Animation: Face Morph Task

Face Morph Task (Continued) - Getting Used To Animation: Animation Morph Task (Update)

Face Morph Task (Continued) - Getting Used To Animation: The Morph Task (Face To Mushroom)

Face Morph Task (Final) - Getting Used To Animation: Face Morph Task (Finished)

Lesson 2, Timing And Spacing - Animation: Pendulum, Timing And Spacing

Lesson 3, Timing, Spacing, Weight, Arcs, Squash & Stretch - Getting Used To Animation: Squash And Stretch

Artist Review -  Lotte Reiniger, Don Hertzfeldt

Lesson 4, Timing, Spacing, Weight, Arcs, Squash & Stretch, Follow Through & Overlapping Action  Introduction To Animation: Character Squash And Stretch

Lesson 5, Walking Animation - Introduction To Animation: Walking Animation

Lesson 6, Running Animation - Introduction To Animation: Running Animation

Lesson 7, Throwing Animation With And Without Anticipation - Introduction To Animation: Throwing Ball

Lesson 8, Animating An Inanimate Object - Introduction To Animation: Animating A Plant Sack

Lesson 9, Lip Syncing Animation - Introduction To Animation: Lip Syncing Exercise

Reflective Statement

In Nat's animation lessons I was able to learn and understand the fundamentals of animation. This is crucial if I want to be able to animate in 3D. Each week we looked at a specific action and slowly brought all of the skills together, until I was able to do certain things without guidance. Adobe Animate was used for each of the lessons, which I had no experience with at the beginning of the year. I still feel there is so much more to learn about the software, however I now know enough in order to complete an animation with sound. 


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